Currently, my problem really is not that this is not recognized, since there is now enough analysis for us to understand that, partly due to Nancy's own work and a bunch of other Marxist feminists and others who have done this. Rather, I feel that we haven't incorporated this in our own politics and practice. That's my problem: I believe that the left today and the Marxist left, or whichever left you want to call it, doesn't sufficiently recognize this, doesn't sufficiently recognize unpaid labour or even informal labour in the same way. I think Alex was highlighting this a little bit.
There's a very interesting comment by Enver Motala in the chat, about alternative solidaristic communities that evolve with very fragile forms of work, and we have to remember that informal workers are about 70% of all workers in the developing world.In my own country, in India, they are 90% of all workers. They are only about 30% in the rich countries in the advanced capitalist economies. But obviously they have to evolve survival strategies, create forms of community cooperation and so on, simply to survive. These are extremely vulnerable, fragile types of livelihood, so you only survive if you do this. But I think it's absolutely true that we have to pay attention to this, and that left movements across different countries and within countries have to be more conscious of the specific things that are going on and how those could be either expanded or protected or strengthened. And we don't often look at that. We're still stuck in the old trade union mode rather than other forms of association and combination.
There was a question about degrowth, and we could easily have a whole new lecture on degrowth. Let me put it very quickly and briefly. I personally think that the debate between green growth and degrowth is a red herring. My view is that we are only obsessed with this because we have fallen into the trap which capitalism creates. Economic growth is fundamental to capitalism, which cannot exist without accumulation and expansion. But is it fundamental to development and human progress? I don't think so. It is possible to achieve an economy that provides basic needs for all health, for all capabilities of all, etc., without necessarily a higher GDP. But a lot depends on the nature of the production, consumption, distribution and so on. What that means is that we have to be thinking of the kind of economy we want, which meets human and social goals within planetary boundaries, and consider what measures are required for that. And if you look at it, advocates for both degrowth and the green growth are saying exactly the same thing in terms of the policies that they want to promote. The proposals and recommendations for what they want, the things that they want for the economy to do, they are essentially the same. But then they're fighting over whether the GDP should be going up or down. To me, that's irrelevant, that's not the important issue. Maybe it goes up in some cases, maybe it goes down in some cases. It doesn't have to be either. And I don't think that we should be obsessing about that, because that means being caught within a paradigm that we should really be getting out of. But that's a very brief and quick answer to something that is a much bigger issue. So let me stop here. Thanks.
Leo Gabriel: Good afternoon. I'm happy to be among so many like-minded friends because I discovered that we are approaching the same subject from different points of view, keeping our diversity And diversity is also the key element. According to me, I, who has been most of his life dealing with Latin American cultures where you can capture the cultural dimension within a structure than what the nation state has offered to us for two or more centuries. And I think what we could do and there I agree very much with Jayati Ghosh that we need to have an extreme effort of decentralization and that's the difference from the, let's say, old fashioned, Soviet Union type of socialism, so that we can recognize our difference within a common structure. And from that point go on, in order to have another dynamic. I don't believe very much in utopias in the sense of castles in the air, a fixed concept that you have to get to in an ideological way. I'm more for people of movement and movements. That's to say we have to go ahead, struggling for the realization of something.And we find our enemies on the way. So, I think just in Latin America, there are a lot of examples in the economic fields, which have been quite successful, like the one under the name of solidarity economics, participatory budget and others where you can really build something from the bottom up and not from top down. I think that is the most important. And if we agree on this form of procedure, then we can come to a convergence of different kinds which are now separated – a peace movement, the women's movement, the movement against climate change and so on. We could have this way, like little stones in a mosaic, which then eventually get together and produce a form. I don't know yet what the form is, but the struggle will say where we are heading. Thank you very much.
Steve Firebrand: Hi. Thank you very much for this conference. It's been really, really interesting. I agree with what the speakers have said about, identity politics and imperialism and so forth. I think one key weakness in the book is a rejection of the Leninist idea of a revolutionary party. I think that's exactly what is needed on the left today. We need to re-establish the real Marxist tradition, going back to self-emancipation, and re-establish organizations that put that forward and intervene in the class struggle and the struggle of the oppressed. To do that we need today to go out and organize the many thousands and thousands of people who are open to Marxist ideas but are not yet an organization. A key weakness, I think, on the left is the lack of actual revolutionary organization, which is founded on the basic principles of Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. These kinds of organizations are needed today to intervene in the struggles that are going on, both in terms of the struggle itself and in terms of the political battles around the issues that people have brought up. So, I think that re-establishing that tradition is important, and actually building Marxist cadre around those ideas and organization is, the key question and that that entails democratic centralism as well, to make that effective. And we can't shy away from that. We have to reestablish that as opposed to the so-called leftism of Stalinism and social democracy, which have become dominant on the left. And I think that's one of the key questions we have to face today. Thank you.
Francis King: Hello. Thanks, everybody. Very, very interesting conference. I'm Frances King. I'm the editor of the journal Socialist History. We're pleased to have Boris Kagarlitsky as one of our editorial advisors – I'm sure we're not the only journal in that position – as well as an occasional contributor. I want to talk a bit about the idea of the long retreat, because I come from the orthodox Communist tradition. And one of the things that we had, one of the great advantages that we had was an ability to point to what we imagined was a feasible, really existing model of an alternative society. An alternative mode of production. An alternative economic system in which we believed. In certain countries, quite a lot of people did. Others, like Britain, not so very many. It represented, if you like, at least the bare outline, the armature of a viable, feasible alternative system which we could recognize, which we could recommend to other people. And for the last four decades, the belief in the possibility of an alternative to capitalism, a viable alternative to capitalism, which can be built and we know is going to work, has largely dissipated.
And I think one thing which kind of under underlies a great part of this retreat is precisely that lack of belief. And so, we get this kind of fragmentation, which is represented in identity politics and that sort of thing, individual liberations, little struggles here and there and that sort of thing. But the overarching belief in the possibility, feasibility and, you know, realizability of an actual alternative mode of production that seems to be the one thing which used to exist and is now largely, largely missing. And how you actually deal with that? I don't have the answer. But without that, the socialist movement is kind of missing one of the most important assets it used to have in the past, but that it does not have now, something credible it can present to people who are not already convinced.
Jayati Ghosh: I was hoping for a little more time to think because there's so many interesting comments and responses out here. First, I want to completely agree with Leo Gabriel that there are many different types of initiatives going on: solidarity economy, participatory budgets, different kinds of movements for even tax reform and so on, that we should all be relating to.
A very quick comment on David Schwartz's note in the chat about Ecosocialist movements and the defeat of fossil fuel capitalism. I think one of the problems is perhaps that we are looking at it too narrowly. In very many developing countries, there are real concerns that this would impede the access of the poor to even getting electrification in their homes and so on and so forth, which is an argument promoted by national governments in league with their own fossil capital. What we really need to do is to look at the entire ecosystem that perpetuates this kind of reliance. The already developed new technologies, the greener technologies in renewable energy like wind and solar and so on, those are simply not made available to most of the developing world. It's the other aspect of imperialism that has already been mentioned. As a result, the reduction of fossil fuel production then becomes something that is seen to impede the achieving basic needs for a large proportion of the population. Instead, we should be focusing more on that entire ecosystem, particularly the monopolization of knowledge that is inhibiting much needed technological progress of different kinds.
I also want to pick up on a comment on health systems. There's no question that the global medical industry is highly commercialized and oriented to short-term profit rather than longer term public health. But we shouldn't be overinfluenced by the example of the US medical system, which is perhaps the most obscene that I have seen. Given the varieties of capitalism, there are still countries in the world where you can access health care in a much more reasonable way, accessible and affordable for all. It is possible to avoid the trap of the very privatized, financialized and aggressively profit oriented health economy exemplified by the US insurance-based model. So we have to stop the export of that US model to other systems, rather than simply say that's what capitalism creates.
Essentially, in the absence of what Francis King has just described as “the viable socialist alternative”, we have to focus on the things that we can achieve. I believe that we can chip away at the edges of a very exploitative global capitalist imperialist system. That doesn't necessarily mean a huge and fundamental socialist transformation, but it's the beginnings of it. Boris also mentions in his book how these small movements aim at reform—but they also can create momentum for wider changes that cannot be achieved without a more fundamental transformation.
Also, as a slightly provocative response to Francis, maybe it was a problem, that we were relying on this big, viable socialist alternative that was an illusion. And so instead of saying, oh, it's too bad we don't have that anymore, we have to recognize that it was our flaw in not recognizing the problems with that system that made it more difficult for us to persuade others. So we shouldn't be saying “we've got the template, the universal answer for how we're going to organize society, economy and everything”. Instead, we should be saying that there are these different movements from the ground up in different places that are challenging different parts of the existing system. Let us build solidarity across all of these different movements, which range from tax reform to solidarity economy to different kinds of energy use, to breaking down the monopolies over knowledge that impact us in so many different ways to anti-imperialist struggles. Let's try and build solidarity across all of those, without saying: this is the exact point and final goal we have to reach. We have to think of all the different progressive ways in which people are trying to transform societies and economies in a more equitable and desirable socialist way and work together along those lines.